Monday, June 02, 2008

It's a jungle out there...

See what happens when I don't visit for a week? This!!! The potatoes are doing really well, onions are looking a bit drowned by the weeds, so need some attention. I planted some swiss chard and some sunflowers, leaving them to the tender mercies of the slugs...

The garlic is nearing readiness I think... The compost heap is doing the business.

And we had broad beans for tea!!! I think I'll plant more next year, they were delicious.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Ladybird Porn!

It must be spring!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

20th April - General Update

No slow worms today. And nothing particularly sprouting. The beans and peas are holding up well, but not thriving... Some of the peas have been slugged, but not too many casualties. I feel like we're waiting now - for the potatoes, onions, carrots, chives. I think I put some parsnip in too, but can't remember where. Ah, so there is a reason for planning / labelling...

The dark stripes are piles of "pro-gro" earthing up the potatoes. Four big trugs (40 litre I think) for £1. Bargain. If only my soil didn't look quite so wimpy in comparison.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Look what we found nestling in our compost heap!

Husband not so keen on these, but I was thrilled to bits! Votes please - we think they may be slow worms, but I've seen lots of mention of grass snakes, what do you think? Mum was brave enough to touch one...


Sorry, this hardly justifies the title, but this is pretty much as much as we ever see.

5th April...

Ah-ha! We're back and in business, and things are growing again - how exciting!

I haven't been able to blog because I forgot that the password changed...

Here's what it looked like then: Spinach, garlic and some weedy looking broad beans in the background.

Look, not many weeds! That wonderful husband of mine likes doing hoeing and weeding...

Monday, February 04, 2008


Not too cold and wet, but definitely cold. Went to the plot last night to dig a row and pop some veg waste in the compost. Beans and garlic looking okay. I've got some more rhubarb to put in. Yesterday I also bought some onion sets - Setton and a red one I can't remember the name of. They were £1 / 1lb and £1.25 / 1lb, which I thought was good. Also picked up my potatoes for chitting (thank you mummy for the loan of my old bedroom - told you it was cold).

So I'm feeling rather productive and cheerful, even though I've not done much :-)